ELA Grade 2: ELA Syllable Division Practice Test

ELA Grade 2: ELA Syllable Division Practice Test 2023: This practice test focuses on the essential skill of dividing words into smaller units, which is crucial for second-grade students to improve their pronunciation, vocabulary, and reading skills.

ELA Grade 2: ELA Syllable Division Practice Test

The test comprises a series of multiple-choice questions that present words and require students to select the correct division of syllables from the given options.

Test Name State Test Assessment
Subject English Language Arts (ELA)
Topic Vocabulary and Grammar
Class Grade 2
Level Advance
Total MCQs 20

Grade 2: ELA Syllable Division

Test Name: State Test Assessment
Subject English Language Arts (ELA)
Topic: Syllable Division
Grade: 2
Level Advance

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.

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