Algebra Practice Test With Answers


#1. Jamie is 5 years older than her sister Amy. If the sum of their ages is 19, how old is Jamie?

#2. If the probability that it will rain on Thursday is 5/6 , what is the probability that it will not rain on Thursday?

#3. 4 During each marking period, there are five tests. If Vanita needs a 65 average to pass this marking period and her first four grades are 60, 72, 55, and 80, what is the lowest score she can earn on the last test to have a passing average?

#4. What is the slope of the linear equation 5y – 10x = –15?

#5. Which expression is a factor of n2 + 3n – 54?

#6. If 3.85 × 106 is divided by 385 × 104, the result is

#7. Which is an irrational number? ? Image result for irrational An irrational number is a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction for any integers and . Irrational numbers have decimal expansions that neither terminate nor become periodic. Every transcendental number is irrational.

#8. What is the solution of the equation 3y – 5y + 10 = 36?

#9. On a map, 1 centimeter represents 40 kilometers. How many kilometers are represented by 8 centimeters?

#10. What is the total number of points equidistant from two intersecting straight roads and also 300 feet from the traffic light at the center of the intersection?

#11. 4 Juan has three blue shirts, two green shirts, seven red shirts, five pairs of denim pants, and two pairs of khaki pants. How many different outfits consisting of one shirt and one pair of pants are possible?

#12. The number 0.14114111411114 . . . is ? An irrational number is a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction for any integers and . Irrational numbers have decimal expansions that neither terminate nor become periodic. Every transcendental number is irrational.

#13. If 0.0347 is written by a scientist in the form 3.47 × 10n, the value of n is

#14. If 2x + 5 = –25 and –3m – 6 = 48, what is the product of x and m?

#15. If the measure of an angle is represented by 2x, which expression represents the measure of its complement?
