GED Math Practice Test 2

2019 GED Math Practice Test II Questions Answers Free

1. A painter rented a wallpaper steamer at 9 a.m. and returned it at 4 p.m. He paid a total of $28.84. What was the rental cost per hour?

  • A. $2.43
  • B. $3.61
  • C. $4.12
  • D. $5.77

2. Sara has $2.25 in dimes and nickels in his pocket. she has nine more nickels than dimes. How many of each type of coin does she have?

  • A) 6 nickels and 120dimes
  • B) 7 nickels and 14 dimes
  • C) 8 nickels and 16 dimes
  • D) 9 nickels and 18 dimes

3. What is the value of 36x-8y2 when x=3 and y=-6?

  • A) –288
  • B) –180
  • C) 1,200
  • D) 3,600

4. Arrange 3/7, 3/8, 3/5, 3/8 in ascending order.

  • A) 3/7, 3/8, 3/5, 3/8
  • B) 3/5, 3/7, 3/8, 3/4
  • C) 3/4, 3/5, 3/7, 3/8
  • D) 3/8, 3/7, 3/5, 3/4

5. How much Devid will pay for address at a 30% discount if the original price of a dress is $300?

  • A) 200
  • B) 210
  • C) 220
  • D) 230

6. An investor invests 2500 dollars into a  mutual fund and earns 5.57% on the principle for each of 3 years, how much interest has accrued at the end of the period?

  • A) 340.31
  • B) 430.25
  • C) 431.15
  • D) 431.25

7. A certain island contains 540 Female and 675 Male what is the ratio of cats to dogs on this island?

  • A) 4 : 6
  • B) 5 : 6
  • C) 3 : 4
  • D) 4 : 5

8. An office uses paper drinking cups in the shape of a cone with a diameter of 2¾ inches and a height of 4 inches. To the nearest tenth of a cubic inch, what is the volume of each drinking cup?

  • A) 2.5
  • B) 7.9
  • C) 23.7
  • D) 31.7

9. Annie is planning a business meeting for her company. She has a budget of $1,325 for renting a meeting room at
a local hotel and providing lunch. She expects 26 people to attend the meeting. The cost of renting the meeting room
is $270. Which inequality shows how to find the amount, x, Annie can spend on lunch for each person?

  • A) 26x + 270 > 1,325
  • B) 26x + 270 < 1,325
  • C) 270x + 26 > 1,325
  • D) 270x + 26 < 1,325

10. The ratio of boys to girls in the class is 8 : 7 if there are 40 boys how many girls are there in the class?

  • A) 25
  • B) 34
  • C) 35
  • D) 39

11. There are s steps from the pedestal to the head of the Statue of Liberty. The number of steps in the Washington Monument is 27 less than 6 times the number of steps in the Statue of Liberty. Which expression represents the number of steps in the Washington Monument in terms of s?

  • A) 27 < 6s
  • B) 6(s – 27)
  • C) 6s – 27
  • D)  6s < 27

12. John makes $5 for every 7 boxes of cookies that he sells how much money would he make if he sold 21?

  • A) 15
  • B) 20
  • C) 25
  • D) 30

13. Byron purchased a $5,000 certificate of deposit (CD) at his local bank. The CD will pay him 7% simple interest. How much INTEREST, in dollars, will Byron have earned from his CD at the end of a 2-year period?

  • A) $100
  • B) $500
  • C) $700
  • D) $1200

14. Annie is planning a business meeting for her company. She has a budget of $1,325 for renting a meeting room at a local hotel and providing lunch. She expects 26 people to attend the meeting. The cost of renting the meeting room is $270. Which inequality shows how to find the amount, x, Annie can spend on lunch for each person?

  • A) 26x + 270 ≥ 1,325
  • B) 26x + 270 ≤ 1,325
  • C) 270x + 26 ≥ 1,325
  • D) 270x + 26 ≤ 1,325

15. Last month, the balance in Tisha’s checkbook was $1219.17. Since then she has deposited her latest paycheck of $2425.66 and written checks for $850.00 (rent), $235.89 (car payment), and $418.37 (credit card payment).

What is the current balance in Tisha’s checking account?

  • A) $1,321.40
  • B) $2,140.57
  • C) $3,341.27
  • D) $4,140.09

16. Dominic earns $285 per week plus an 8% commission rate on all his sales. If Dominic sells $4,213 worth of merchandise in one week, how much will his total earnings for the week be?

  • A) $337.04
  • B) $359.84
  • C) $513.00
  • D) $622.04

Answer 1) C, 2) D, 3) B, 4) D, 5) B, 6) D, 7) D, 8) B,  9) B, 10) C, 11) A, 12) A, 13) C, 14) B, 15) B, 16)D

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